Answer: bodily dehydration
When exercising the body looses fluid and electrolytes through one of the bodily secretions like sweat this leads to dehydration. During long hours of sports performance the chances of the body get dehydrated becomes prominent. The problem of dehydration can lead to fatigue, cramps, impaired concentration and soreness. It can also result in failure of vitals organs like heart and kidney.
Some people base what they eat on how it tastes. Many people believe that if it tastes good why not? And also because many people are uneducated when it comes to food and health.
I'm 80.
I want my doctor to tell me I'm not over exerting myself by doing anything beyond walking 4 blocks to get the mail.
I want him to order blood tests (I live in Canada. Those come under public health care). I want him to tell me if my potassium and sodium levers are normal, to say nothing of red and white cell counts. And platelets. I don't want to get a cut and not be able to control the bleeding.
I want him to assure me I'm not diabetic. You should be able to guess what test will determine that.
I want him to take my blood pressure and assess it for me. Is it too high, is it too low? What is it? Do I need medication or am I safe without it.
I want him to take my temperature. I want to be assured I'm not running some sort of fever. At my age, fevers and not jokes, and they have a 0 rating for a sense of humor.
I want him to test my memory capabilities. I want to remember what my limit is for exercise and not over do it.
I want him to test my reflexes. I used to be able to juggle. I wonder if I still can. Am I fast enough? Am I sensitive enough?
Hearing? How bad is my hearing loss? It seems severe to me. The neighbors routinely tell me they missed the 3rd news item. Could I tell them what it was.
Well those are for starters. My family doctor would do all of the above things without being prompted.
There is a certain amount of time in which a person that has been damaged by the hospital needs to file a case. It only refers to the time when a client sees the injury. They are usually allowed that in the next two years, if they want, can file a lawsuit against them. But it's everywhere in the world different, and it varies from country to country how they will handle this type of problem.
Easy, if you have a fire extinguisher, use it to put out the fire. ( I has to be a dry chemical unit rated B/C or A/B/C multi purpose dry chemical unit. Shut it off, trash it ( after it cools down), then replace. What not to do, keep using it, this could shock you, or cause a fire. Lets look farther in on this hot subject!
Explanation: To prevent fires, or to stop small fire when they start, you need to do and have a few things. To start off, make sure your home wiring is good. Last year my water heater which is electric caught on fire for this very reason. Now check wiring for your appliance`s wiring. Never have wires under carpets/ rugs ext. Not to mention, check outlets and make sure you GFI works ( these will trip the system in an event of an overload.) Also make sure fire extinguishers have pressure and if they have a hose, check it to see if it has dry rotted. Also shake the unit around to get the powder to loosen up. Now common since is key, if you shell your mixer or blender getting hot, stop using it, really if any electric shells hot stop! Now, to prevent theses fire we have covered what you need. Now to stop fires of this kind. Dry chemical extinguishers have many types. Purple K ( Purple K potassium) are used for B/C fire these are liquid and electrical fires. A is for solids like plastics and wood. Sodium bicarbonate units are again for B/C. Now if you are wondering why PKP and sodium bicarbonate can`t be used on solids? Well they smother to an extent but not enough to be effective on these solids like paper/trash ext. Now multi purpose dry chemical units use ammonium phosphate, this smothers and melts on hot surfaces. This is why they can be used on A/B/C fires. There are K fires for big kitchens like a deli ext. Or D for combustible metals like magnesium. We don`t need these. However you do have Halon 1211 made by the Amerex Corporation who make these units, which I recommend. Halon is used on A/B/C fires. Co2 is used on B/C. Halon and Co2 are clean agents super effective on delicate equipment! So, what we`ve covered are how two stop electrical fries and how to prevent these fires. I hope you stay safe, and use this and spread it. Help prevent house fires!