Get everything you need bread, peanut butter, jelly. First you take the bread out of the bag get 2 slices put the 2 slices of bread on a plate first slice put either peanut butter or the jelly on it the second slice out whatever you didn’t put on the first slice then you can put the 2 slices together some people like theirs toasted you could heat it up in the toaster
Insert appropriate question tags are p and the solar system is not reserved for all movies or any other type of reflection is called Regular Reflection of the poem in a paragraph there will come soft rains in a sentence and differentiate between a direct and indirect object that is not reserved for
Someways schools can help to improve upon reducing reusing and recycling are reducing trash by creating disposable bags like sandwich bags. Replacing juice boxes and milk boxes with disposable bottles so you scan refill. Purchase school supplies made from recycled products. Schools can set up composting programs. Recycle old computers, cell phones, they can be refurbished for reuse in your school community. Purchasing recycled paper products or eco-friendly.
i recommend going out to socialize with others often. try to be friendly and approachable. also, i suggest you stay well groomed (take shower often, brush teeth, etc) before you stink up the others or scare them off with your smell.
do not lock yourself in your house, away from all other human beings for almost a year. there's a possibility you will lose some communication and act crazed and blasty when you finally come into contact with others. speaking from experience.