There are 5 different levels of cellular organization.
Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and whole organisms. Cells hold genetic material and absorb outside energy.
Tissues make up the bones, nerves and connective fibers of the body. Organs work to perform specific bodily tasks, such as filtering blood. Organ systems are groups of organs that perform a specific kind of function together, such as digesting food.
Together, these smaller systems make up an entire living organism which can grow and then go onto reproduce.
Family is important because it provides love, support and a framework of values to each of its members. Family members teach each other, serve one another and share life's joys and sorrows. Families provide a setting for personal growth. Family is the single most important influence in a child's life.
Temperature is the amount of heat energy contained in the air, and we measure this in degrees. Air pressure is the amount of pressure exerted by the air in a particular air mass. Humidity is a measure of the water content of the air mass. Clouds are tiny drops of water or ice that form in the atmosphere.
It is controlled by negative feedback loop.Let's say you have high glucose level in your blood,that will be registered and pancreas will produce more insulin to keep it in the normal range.Therefore by negative feedback loop it will regulate homeostasis
Determining Chemical Properties using the Periodic Table. Chemical properties of each element are determined by the element's electronic configuration, and particularly by its outermost valence electrons.