Hierarchical is scenario is used to between condition and ratings.
Master -details its open up all details of the candidate and his rating to Universal Containers is tracking by interviewer ratings. where they are no classified. Just data collection.
Lookup:- where it fetches all details and further analysis will be a big task.
Search :- it is a just search where relevant information based on queries.
Hierarchical;- it is further classified and it is very to do analysis and takes decisions.
Since it is classified further drill down is possible and make a good analysis report can be made.
Select the Zoom tool, and then do any of the following:
<h2>#1. </h2>
Click and hold in the image to zoom in. Press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) to zoom out.
In the options bar, select Scrubby Zoom. Then drag to the left in the image to zoom out, or to the right to zoom in.
<h2>psst! pls, brailiest!</h2>
True. Museums usually specialize in one area in specifics.
Ex. WWII Museums give great historical info on WWII
Try looking it up. If not, go with your gut!