A rhyming poem
For example:
Roses are red
violets are blue
I love you so much
I hope you do too
THE STRANGER fills the frogs belly with quail shot.
The title of the book is 'The celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras county'.
Smiley bet with a stranger that his frog can beat any other frog and the stranger agreed to go into competition with him. Smiley lost the competition, because unknown to him the stranger has filled his frog with quail shot when he went to the stream to catch a frog for the stranger.
Epimetheus was one of the Titans, son of Iapetus and Clymene. He was the brother of Prometheus, Atlas and Menoetius. His name is derived from the Greek word meaning 'afterthought', which is the antonym of his brother's name, Prometheus, meaning 'forethought'. In this context, Epimetheus appeared as a foolish character, while Prometheus was the clever one.
Prometheus and Epimetheus were told to distribute characteristics to the newly created animals. Epimetheus started giving a positive trait to every animal, but lacking foresight, he realised that he had distributed all traits without having any left to give to man. So, Prometheus gave mankind the civilizing arts and fire.
for John's affair with Abigail
Elizabeth tells John that she "kept a cold house and" keeping "a cold house" means that she never was not loving or proper wife
The indefinite pronouns take the place of nouns for unknown or unnamed people and things.