if anyone could complete this timeline in order, left to right, that'd be much appreciated :)
hope it is helpful to you
Salinity and density share a positive relationship. As density increases, the amount of salts in the water—also known as salinity, increases. Various events can contribute to change in the density of seawater. Salinity can decrease from the melting of polar ice or increase from the freezing of polar ice.
A mass movement is movements of masses of bodies of soil, bed rock, rock, debris, soil etc. which usually occur along steep-sided hills and mountains because of the pull of gravity
By panting or breathing heavily.
<em>An ectothermic animal is one whose body temperature depends on the temperature of the external environment.</em>
The body of ectotherms regulates temperature depending on the temperature of the external environment where such animal finds itself.
Hence, when the temperature of the external environment rises as a result of hot air, the body of an ectotherm (that is homeothermic, that is, maintain a relatively constant body temperature irrespective of the temperature of the external environment) will adjust so as to keep its temperature relatively constant.
Dogs generally pant (breathe heavily) to bring their body temperature back to normal whenever it rises beyond normal due to rigorous physical activities or high external temperature.
<em>Hence, a fox will most likely pant in response to hot air temperature just like dogs.</em>
Population Size and Density: Total size is generally expressed as the number of individuals in a population. ...
Population dispersion or spatial distribution: ...
Age structure: ...
Natality (birth rate): ...
Mortality (death rate):