<h3>Leg should be bent and wide</h3>
you need to drink 2.5 litres at max and 1 at the least
Poor diet: eating foods high in fat, or sugary sweets can increase risk for gout. Untreated hypertension, diabetes and heart conditions Obesity is also a great risk factor. Medications that are given to treat hypertension such as thiazides can increase risk for gout. Family history can also cause increased risk, as well as age and sex. Males are at ahigher risk for gout than females and develop it earlier on whereas females usually are at a higher risk after menopause.
the best temperature for short-term refrigeration storage is:D- Below 41F
Just start off easy. I’m very active. Just start off easy by getting out and running. Then to harder stuff and find a sport you like and are good at and join a team and cut out a lot of junk food. And confort food that makes you wanna sit on the couch not go outside and do something wether it be okay bball or whatever. But that’s my advice