<em>A. Both are eukaryotic</em>
Despite the fact that termites are insects that eat wood, termites are not equipped for processing wood all alone. Endosymbionts like trichonympha that live inside the digestive tracts of the termite help with converting over the wood into nutrients that the termite can process.
Trichonympha have the enzymes that can convert cellulose in wood into starches and sugars that the termite can use for their nutrition. In return, these living beings profit by the nonstop supply of energy rich cellulose and an appropriate domain in which to live. Both trichonympha and termites show mutualism.
Fibrous roots grow from the main stem of the plant and does not have a primary root like the taproot. They grow downward and outward, with repeating branches to form a mass of small roots.Dicots and monocots are the two classes of flowering plants. The majority of taproot systems are composed of dicots and conifers.
<span>epidermolysis bullosais caused by the 12th chromosome