Food that has been subjected to the salivia and the many digestive juices of the GI tract is called Bolus.
It takes about one minute for a blood cell to make a complete circuit of the human body.
This is called a chemical bond.
Cells undergo mitosis because there must be a process in which the nucleus is divided in order for there to be a successful reproduction for cells.
The flu vaccine is essential in our society and should be encouraged and financed whenever necessary. That's because, as we know, the flu is a disease of rapid proliferation and that imposes risks to the lives of some people. The vaccine has the ability to reduce the risk of a person being infected with the flu virus by 50%, this percentage is essential for people who are more sensitive to this virus such as the elderly, pregnant women and people with respiratory problems.
In addition, it is important that the manufacture and distribution of this vaccine is always financed, because the flu virus is a very changeable circle that is constantly changing and needs to be combated annually.