A disease that results from and invasion of microoranisms is called an infectious disease. Hope I helped! good luck.
Five negative impacts on social net work :
- It make it easier for criminals to find out basic information about you
- It make it easier for people who wanted to take your pictures for wrong reasons
- Criminals could use it to find out where you live
- If you upload your artworks or project to social media, it would be easy for people to use it without permission
- It can be used to find out/predict your activity and track you
Positive Impact
- It broaden your connection
- It make it easy for you to find out about news and other information
- It could serve as a platform for new business
- For parents , it could be used to watch out their children
- It could be used to gain more exposure for your artwork or project
Protein is something that produces muscle mass, it is composed of amino acids which are compounds of carbon,hydrogen, oxygen and etc. Protein is mostly in animals products (meat,dairy, eggs and more) is can also be in nuts such as almonds and peanuts. A lot of people put something called “whey powder” into drinks to get protein easier (but in my opinion it makes drink grainy).
Your welcome in advance!
This statement is true
While this question can appear incomplete, the claim stated is in fact true. There are many people who are deciding that they do not want to vaccinate their children, and this can be bad for herd immunity.
What herd immunity is, is that if 90% of kids in a population are vaccinated (cannot transmit the disease), and they are all spread out, statistically speaking, there is very little chance of that 10% of kids meeting each other.
Sprains and strains use the same grading scale for severity.