According to the diagram, cell growth and preparation occur in steps 2 and 4, corresponding to phases G₁ and G₂ of cell cycle.
G₁ phase consists of the beginning of the cell cycle, following the process of previous division, and occurs in a cell that prepares for a next division. In this phase growth depends on the proliferation of mRNA to increase protein synthesis.
G₂ phase —third phase of the cycle— is the continuation of the process of cell growth induced by protein synthesis. Changes occur at the level of cellular components, as preparation of the cell prior to division.
The type of bonds that are involved in these transient protein - DNA interactions include: IONIC BOND, VANDER WAAL FORCES AND HYDROGEN BOND.
Protein - DNA interaction occur when a protein bind to DNA molecule; this reaction usually occur in order to regulate the function of DNA, especially that of expression of genes. Protein interaction with DNA may be specific or non specific.
A target cell respond to a hormone because it bears receptors
Predation is another mechanism in which species interact with each other. Predation is when a predator organism feeds on another living organism or organisms, known as prey. The predator always lowers the prey's fitness. Also, a predator is an organism that eats another organism. The prey is the organism which the predator eats. Some examples of predator and prey are lion and zebra, bear and fish, and fox and rabbit.
La respuesta correcta es "a. arterias, b. venas; y c. capilares".
Los vasos sanguíneos son una serie de conductos a través de los cuales el cuerpo transporta la sangre, asegurando que todas las células del cuerpo tenga acceso a oxígeno, elemento necesario para la respiración celular. Hay tres tipos de vasos sanguíneos: arterias, venas y capilares. Las arterias llevan la sangre del corazón a los órganos, las venas transportan la sangre de los órganos al corazón y los capilares son vasos muy pequeñitos que llegan a las partes más pequeñas del cuerpo.