Aeneas illustrations of the values of Rome and societal expectations of behavior emphasized on Roman superiority through their cultures and believes. In those days, the Romans celebrated their culture and beliefs with columns and friezes and placed them above any other cultures. There still exist some Roman Architecture in some European cities which make to keep the memories of Aeneas' journey
Virgil quite clearly intended the Aeneid to appeal to the patriotic spirit of the Romans, documenting the origins of the great Roman Empire. Virgil's contemporaries, who relished their belief that they were direct descendants of the mighty Trojans, undoubtedly would have enjoyed a story portraying their race as one destined for greatness. The epic often refers to the destiny of Aeneas's descendants; most importantly, Aeneas's victory is inevitable because it is his fate, as well as the fate of his son Ascanius, to lay the groundwork for Rome's shining future.
The answer to this question is <span>Increasing; weakens the effects of both reinforcement and punishment..
The more delay being imposed between a response and a consequence, the more our brain not be able to find the correlation between that response and consequence. If the response and consequence happen instantly (for example we feel burnt when touching fire) that our body will most likely to remember the consequence of that certain response.</span>
Mayflower compact
The mayflower compact established the principle of self-government in New England and also demonstrated the social contract in early-America.
i think the advantages of preserving the rituals of local communities is that you can learn and can gain benifits of the outgoing activities and can gain benifecial support of continous encounters.