Using Python programming language
1. I defined a function add and passed in two parameters (a,b).
2. In the block of the function, I added the two numbers and printed the result.
3. I decided to use a function so that the program is re-usable and can accept various inputs.
Find the code below. (# are used for comments)
#Addition of numbers
def add(a,b):
#Test Cases
add(2,4.5) #Result=6.5
add(10,290) #Result=300
add(2.567,4.58) #Result=7.147
A I think I might be wrong
bring your own devices
"bring your own devices" paradigm is getting popular since organizations are increasingly allowing users to perform work tasks <em>on their own</em> personal devices, It is preferred because of the benefits and ease for the user. On the other hand, this paradigm opens several security risks.
For example processing sensitive data on personal devices creates risks in case of data recovery or if the device is stolen or lost.
Additionally, <em>control and monitoring</em> of organizational data is harder when users allowed to work on their personal devices. Thus <em>data leakage</em> and <em>public exposure</em> can happen more easily.
4. Removing horizontal scroll
Horizontal scroll can be super annoying when you're trying to view someone's web page. It can cut off part of your view and ruin the whole experience. It's best to eliminate horizontal scroll completely wherever you can.
1. Be smart
2. Do not tell anyone your personal info
3. Use reliable resources while looking up things (org,net,ect. no .coms)
4. ask your parents or guardian if you can go on a specific website And number 5 have fun!