2no(g)+ci2(g)-2noci(g) he performs three experiments using different concentrations and measures the initial reaction rate experiment / [ci2](mol/l) / [no](mol/l) / initial rate ((mol/l)/s) 1,2,3 / 0.3, 0.3, 0.6 / 0.4, 0.8, 0.8 / 0.02, 0.08, 0.16 a. which two experiments should you compare to find the rate order of ci2? b. what is the rate order of ci2? c. which two experiments should you compare to find the rate order of no? d. what is the rate order of no? e. what is the overall reaction order of this reaction? f. write the rate law. g. solve for k
Maintaining personal hygiene is important to avoid the risk of contracting illnesses and infections.
If air is polluted, the air contains harmful gases and health status become poor. In contrary, if environment is clean and fresh, the health will be good. Therefore, health, population and environment education are interrelated in physical aspect. Health, population and environment are integrated terms.