Health education is a field of study that focuses on the role of health in population growth and development. It includes physical, mental, and spiritual emotional, intellectual health.
Its aim is to address the issue of illness, death, malnutrition, and rising health care costs. People who study health education are well aware of the fact of population growth and depletion of resources.
Health education suggests that the increase in population growth has resulted in the overuse of resources around the world and this impacts the availability of groundwater and changes in the climate of countries.
Air pollution and rising food consumption patterns around the world show generation of wastes and contamination of the environment.
Learn more about the people who get health education are aware of problems of population growth and environment degradation.
B. Parkinson's Disease
Early symptoms include muscle rigidity, tremors, and a slowing of voluntary movements. Later, the patient shows a mask-like facial expression, shuffling gait, or inability to ambulate. Treatment: Drugs that increase the amount of dopamine in the brain or drugs that inhibit the action of acetylcholine in the brain.
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They wouldn't ever let you do that unless the patient has moved, deceased or have changed doctor's , If you could get a chance to do that and they caught you , the patient would give you a notice or incase the doctor sended something to her/him and someone else would get the mail , and it could be very important ..hoped this helped
im dead just sheval u wanna zo om