To query the access database to return a group of records with lastname starting with A, change the LastName field's criteria to A, and then click the run button in the results ribbon group of the design ribbon tab.
Microsoft Access is a database management software used to create, manage, and query a database. Just like a spreadsheet and in relational databases, it stores data in records (rows) and fields (columns). To output the result of a query, the run button in the design ribbon tab is clicked.
Option a. int max = aList.get(0); for (int count = 1; count < aList.size(); count++) { if (aList.get(count) > max) { max = aList.get(count); } }
is the correct code snippet.
Following is given the explanation for the code snippet to find largest value in an integer array list aList.
- From the array list aList, very first element having index 0 will be stored in the variable max (having data type int).
- By using for starting from count =1 to count = size of array (aList), we will compare each element of the array with first element of the array.
- If any of the checked element get greater from the first element, it gets replaced in the variable max and the count is increased by 1 so that the next element may be checked.
- When the loop will end, the variable max will have the greatest value from the array aList.
i hope it will help you!
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name + name
When assigning values to a Variable in python, the + operator sums the values assigned to the variable into a single value hence there won't be any space between the values assigned .
Name + Name = NameName in python programming