The fill handle copies the same values, formulas, or fills a series of dates, texts, numbers, and other data to a desired number of cells. ... Click and hold the handle, then you can drag up, down, across over other cells. When you release your mouse button, it auto-fills the content to the cells you dragged over.
i believe this will be false
no output, it does not print any thing
if-else statement is used to execute the statement after checking the condition if the condition is true, it allows the program to execute the statement otherwise not.
in the code, define the variable with values x = 9, y = 8 and z = 7.
Then, if the statement checks the condition 9 > 9, the condition is false.
So, the program terminates the if statement and executes the next statement but there is no next statement.
the other if-else statement is within the if condition which already terminates.
Therefore, there is no output.
the consecutive two elements and swap them based on the value which is larger if we go for ascending order
bubble sort compares 2 consecutive elements of the list and swap them. in one iteration one value will be placed correctly depending on the sorting order either ascending or descending