To maximize the storage of glycogen (or energy) in the muscles and liver.
<h3>answer is false.the bile juice plays important role in fats.bile juice is stored in sac called gall bladder.</h3>
Health is considered as a combination of multi dimensional characteristics because it encompasses physical fitness, mental alertness and social adaptability.
The persistent stress for long period of time can change the behavior and biological performance of patient leading them to sever risk of heart diseases.
- Stress is the gateway for many diseases especially mental disorders.
- If prolonged stress in not examined and ignored for long period of time then his/her biological performance is hampered. The person might get dull and slow paced in every day to day activity.
- The extreme stress of any patient isolates them from the crowd and companies, leading them to depression and other casualties.
- The ultimate position for the prolonged stress is the heart disease and even heart attack.