C. refer to your textbook (pages 654-658) for current explanations for the causes and biochemical origins of schizophrenia. make
sure you name and describe all 3 causes discussed in textbook. include a separate discussion of the diathesis-stress explanation page 639) and how that's related to the nature-nurture issue. (12 pts)
In Okami, Genetics is by all accounts a predominant reason for schizophrenia, it is presently certain that a few arrangements of qualities are in making a man be helpless against creating schizophrenia. There have been various examinations to demonstrate that a man with a relative with the turmoil has a more serious hazard. That is whether they are nearly hereditarily related. It could likewise need to manage an unevenness of dopamine may cause the turmoil. Neither nature nor support alone is in charge of the mind chem and improvement. Other than qualities, nature in which the individual is in or experienced childhood in can affect. A man who is has both a hereditary defenselessness to the turmoil and have introduction under specific conditions that add to the beginning of the sickness is known as a diathesis-push show.
An individual who discloses information or conduct in secret that is considered illegal, immoral, or not appropriate within a private or a public organisation is a Whistleblower.Whistleblowing tells the authorities or the populace that your organization does something illegal or immoral or its gives out the wrongdoing of another colleague to the authorities of the organisation.
The Declaration summarized the colonists' motivations for seeking independence. By declaring themselves an independent nation, the American colonists were able to confirm an official alliance with the Government of France and obtain French assistance in the war against Great Britain.