There could be a lot of factors that could be a hinder towards a successful escape and these factors may include: The barrier or shield in the facility in which this could be a problem if you don't have the clue of where you're getting out of, the tools that you are going to used can be also one of the problems because you won't know what more tools you need in order for escape and lastly, people you're with or the people who has also been held captive can be a factor because you won't know who to trust.
Mass production facilitates the efficient production of a large number of similar products.
The answer is hard influence tactics and soft influence tactics.
Hard influence tactics are those tactics that use direct and authoritative sources of power, like their authority coming from and organization, for example. Position power depends on the authority granted to someone by a government or company. Soft influence tactics are those indirect and collaborative tactics like persuasion that convinces someone to adopt a position themselves like having the kind of personal power that can attract followers and makes coworkers look up to you.
Their influence may be larger than their numbers