i dont know sorry but answer above lol
Answer: Scope creep
Scope creep in the project management basically refers to the uncontrolled development or growth in the project creep. It basically occur when the project scope are not appropriately defined.
It usually involve lack of change in the control system and increase the complexity of the project. It is also has poor requirement analysis.
So, that is why it is the biggest problem we usually face in the project management.
Following is the expression written in "Bash script" (mixture of commands):
- ^ = For staring string (denotation).
- \d{5} = Matching 5 digits (first five unknown x's)
- (?:…) = Making Group (making group of former 5 digits)
- [-\s] = Match a hyphen or a space
(checking if a hyphen is present?)
- \d{4} = Matching 4 digits (next four unknown x's)
- …? = Pattern before it is optional
- $ = Ending of the string.(denotation)