The characteristic that is violated is Availability.
- The network is passing data at mostly, it means performance is good. Junior network engineer is doing his job well then there is minimum chance of network failure or lack of manageability.
- The scalability; range of computing capabilties can be managed by the engineer.
- However, sometimes the core router might get crashed due to unavailability of the network that is not under the control of the engineer.
lebih lanjut bahwa radio mempunyai fungsi sebagaimana media- media lain yaitu memberikan informasi/to inform, memberikan pendidikan/to educate, memberikan hiburan/to intertain, fungsi memengaruhi/to influence, dan fungsi pengawasan to control.
Furthermore, radio has a function like other media, namely to provide information/to inform, provide education/to educate, provide entertainment/to intertain, function to influence/to influence, and control function to contact.
Arpanet. I think is the answer.
1.word = "George slew the dragon"
startIndex = word.find('dr')
endIndex = startIndex + 4
drWord = word[startIndex:endIndex]
2. sentence = "Broccoli is delicious."
sentence_list = sentence.split(" ")
firstWord = sentence_list[0]
The above snippet is written in Python 3.
1. word is initialized to a sentence.
Then we find the the occurence of 'dr' in the sentence which is assign to startIndex
We then add 4 to the startIndex and assign it to endIndex. 4 is added because we need a length of 4
We then use string slicing method to create a substring from the startIndex to endIndex which is assigned to drWord.
2. A string is assigned to sentence. Then we split the sentence using sentence.split(" "). We split based on the spacing. The inbuilt function of split returns a list. The first element in the list is assigned to firstWord. List uses zero based index counting. So. firstWord = sentence_list[0] is use to get first element.