Well for the very last sentence it would be if any of the organs shut down it could seriously hurt someone or possibly even kill them if their brain,heart or some other important organ shuts down it could kill them.
There are other minor organs where if it shuts down it wouldn't really hurt the person too much. Sorry I couldn't help you with the other ones though.
8900 CFU/mL
Colony Forming Units (CFU) is a value that indicates the degree of microbiological contamination of an environment. It expresses the relative number of microorganisms of a given taxon in a volume of one cubic meter of water.
UFC is the minimum number of separable cells on the surface, or inside, of a semi-solid agar medium that results in the development of a visible colony of the order of tens of millions of descending cells. The CFUs can be pairs, chains or clusters, as well as individual cells. Colony forming unit.
Colonies * Dilution = CFU/mL
89 * (100/ 1 mL) = CFU/mL
8900 CFU/mL
8 electrons if it is a neutral atom.
Afunction of steroids is to increase muscle mass to help you get an advantage on your competitors.
The answer is (C) studying how is has been affected by erosion