A. Is the same as convergence of accounting standards
Harmonization of accounting standards mean the process of increasing the compatibility of accounting practices by setting bounds for the degree of variations.
The notion of harmonization can be replaced by the concept of convergence.
Harmonization of international accounting standards is an imposition of standards by economically superior countries.
Tariff of 1832
The Tariff of 1832 was enacted to replace the 1828 import tariffs commonly known as Tariffs of Abomination. Most southern states did not like it, but its greatest opposition came from South Carolina since its economy depended greatly in foreign trade. Back then America's largest export was cotton produced by southern states.
Due to South Carolina's extreme opposition, it was replaced by the Compromise Tariff of 1833. This last tariff would gradually decrease the tax rates until they fell back to 1816 levels, which was approximately 20%.
The Nullification Crisis refers to a legal process carried out in South Carolina that determined that federal taxes, specifically import tariffs were unconstitutional and shouldn't apply to them. The problem is that the Supreme Court decides what is unconstitutional or not, not a state court.
Based on the information given we were told that had a total basis in her 500 shares of stock of the amount of $5,000 which means that The total basis of Melissa's 1,000 shares of stock after the dividend is $5,000 which is her total basis in her 500 shares of stock.
Answer: $2,250
The Tax-Payer uses a cash-basis. This means that they recognize revenue or expenses only when they are actually paid as opposed to an Accrual basis entity that recognizes revenue or expenses when it is incurred.
As the Cash-Basis taxpayer is the majority shareholder of the company, Stone may not deduct the amount from income until they have paid the tax payer because tax regulations state that when an Accrual Basis entity owes a majority owner who uses the Cash basis, they may not recognize the deduction until they have paid the owner.
In year 2 they paid ½ of the rent which is,
= 4,500/2
= $2,250
They can therefore only deduct $2,250 in Year 2.
Team effectiveness can be judged by measuring the gainful yield of the group. On the off chance that a person on the group is not investing the exertion the improvement procedure can be longer. A gathering turns into a group when the accompanying criteria are met: Leadership turns into a common movement, Accountability shifts from entirely individual to both individual and group, The gathering builds up its own motivation or mission, Problem-fathoming turns into a lifestyle, not low maintenance action, Effectiveness is measured by the gathering's aggregate results and items. In light of contentions because of force, expert, and temperamental interpersonal connections, many works gathers never qualify as a genuine group.