<span>Jamestown was located on a site that was too remote for agriculture - in fact, the whole island was isolated because it was swamp-like, infested with mosquitos and and the only water came from tidal rivers. This water was not safe to drink, which could have led to a number of waterborne diseases causing health problems, such as cholera, typhoid or dysentery. </span>
the people have decided on the following
Because they were afraid of democracy
<span>After differtiating the type of snake and realizing it wasn't poisonous Bradley's nervous system kicked in and he started laughing and shaking at the same time. This was due to having to release the stress that his body built up and was now recovering from after first, the scare and then, the relief.</span>
It depended on what era of history you are talking about. Early trappers made their living in the forests that bordered the Atlantic Ocean. As the areas became more agricultural and urban game was found further west. In the post Revolutionary period, places like the Ohio Valley, Kentucky and Tennessee. In the decades after the War of 1812 and before the Civil War "Mountain Men" made their living trapping in the Rocky Mountains in the far west. It was a profession that moved west in advance of "civilization...."