I'm not too sure but I think it's the need for medical plants
I would have chosen the need for oil, but I can't think of the way oil affects plants
Metabolism is a body function which enables a cell to process and create needed organic compounds that will be used for cell processes like repairing, rejuvenating and energy.
Ecology, genetics and evolution are themes, subdisciplines and subtopics of biology -the study of life.
DNA polymerase
DNA polymerase enzyme catalyses the reaction of adding nucleotide to growing complementary daughter strand of DNA in the direction of 5' → 3' during elongation in the process of replication. This process requires energy which is taken from nucleotides with three phosphate groups in their backbone similar to ATP (adenine triphosphate)
DNA Replication is when DNA multiplies and make exact copies of itself as part of gene transfer.