The answer is A promote an increase in blood pressure
Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid hormone produced in the renal cortex and acts by retaining sodium and eliminating potassium which leads to an increase in blood pressure.
A Drug Trend report published in 2009 had predicted continued price increase among traditional branded and biotech drugs that lack generic competition. Now, further, CMS has reduced its Average Sales price (ASP) margin from 6 percent to 4 percent for non-pass-thorough. This has affected pharmacy reimbursement. However, there are certain other aspects of Pharmacy Billing that can affect reimbursement and thereby the Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) process if not well implemented.
1. Data Workflow:
Recognizing how the revenue cycle works in pharmacy is very essential. Procurement to Inventory, billing and reimbursement involves purchase of medications, their storage, and method of dispensing, how they are administered, way they are coded & billed, and finally reimbursed. If the drug is covered as a pharmacy benefit, or the payer needs that to be obtained via a specialty pharmacy as identified through patient-specific benefit verification, then here both the provider and the pharmacy are part of the reimbursement process. The physician writes a prescription and orders the drug. This is followed by the pharmacy that fills the order and issues the drug to the physician, CMHC, or hospital outpatient department. Here the pharmacy bills the insurance company for the drug. If any information is entered incorrectly into the pharmacy system in the initial phase of the cycle, errors can prove to be costly, impacting aspects of clinical and revenue cycle.
2. Procurement:
During this phase information is converted from purchased quantities and pricing to storage units of measure (UOM) and inventory costs. Manually entering the data is followed in most cases. UOM conversions, when data is uploaded from the wholesale distributor to the pharmacy system, are also checked and verified manually. Here too mistakes can lead to breakdown in the revenue cycle management (RCM) process.
3. The Charge master:
Critical & substantial revenue leakage can occur when separately reimbursable medications are either missing from or miscoded in the charge master. Conversion of pharmaceutical quantities is a must from purchased amounts to patient-administered amounts, and only then made billable. There is often a difference between dosage amounts required for patient use as from that purchased. Besides inventory, the clinician and pharmacist should convert dosage, strength, and delivery mechanism for each drug. Drug data must be correctly converted from the quantities residing in clinical systems into the payer-billable quantities appropriate for the financial system or charge master. The UOMs must be reconciled to avoid any under- or over-payments. More than often, missing or incorrect data in the charge master can result in negative financial consequences – denied claims, partial reimbursement, and compliance risks.
4. Linkages between Purchases & Billing:
Most hospitals have separate processes to order drugs, administer them, and process reimbursement. Without linkage between pharmacy expenditures for medications (i.e., spend data) and the charge master, ensuring proper charge capture and optimal reimbursement is a challenge. Besides hospitals should have automated tools to identify charge capture errors precisely, so as to pinpoint when and where their occurrence to decreasing revenue loss.
Common causes of blindness are diabetic neuropathy, glaucoma and cataracts.
Blindness refers to the complete lack of functional vision.It occurs when an inadequate amount of light hits the retina, or the information has not been delivered to the brain correctly.
Complete blindness : characterized by a complete and total loss of vision. Merck Manuals reports that legal blindness is defined as having equal to or worse than a 20/200 visual acuity in the better eye. Having a visual acuity of 20/200 means that someone with normal vision can see an object at 200 feet, and a person with impaired vision can see at a distance no further than 20 feet. Several different diseases can cause complete blindness; some develop later in life and some are present at birth. The leading cause of blindness in the United States is diabetes, according to the National Eye Institute. Diabetes causes diabetic retinopathy, which results in destruction of the retina. Other causes of complete blindness include age-related macular degeneration, which the National Eye Institute calls the most common cause of blindness in adults who are 60 or older; cataracts, which obstructs light from hitting the retina because of opaque patches on a lens; and glaucoma, which causes blindness due to damage to the optic nerve.
Color Blindness
People who have color blindness, also called dyschromatopsia, are unable to distinguish certain colors. This type of blindness more commonly affects men than women. Merck Manuals reports that the most common form of color blindness is red-green color blindness, which makes it difficult to distinguish certain shades of red and green. Color blindness is almost always present at birth, and is usually caused by the presence of a defective gene on the X chromosome. The reason that more men are affected by color blindness than women is that women have two X chromosomes; thus, even if they are "carriers" of a bad gene, their other X chromosome usually has a functional gene. Because men have only one X chromosome, the presence of one bad gene is sufficient to cause color blindness. Defective retinal cells result in some forms of color blindness; other forms are caused by defects in the optic nerve.
Night Blindness
Night blindness is vision impairment that occurs at night or when light is dim. It does not generally result in a complete lack of vision but significantly impaired vision. People with night blindness often have difficulty driving at night or seeing stars. Several different factors cause night blindness, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. These factors include cataracts, birth defects, a vitamin A deficiency, or a retinal disease called retinitis pigmentosa