The product of 379 and 8 is 3032, that other answer was wrong they answered with the sum (addition) not the product (multiplication)
So ratio is there are 10 pairs of white socks and 21 pairs of socks total so the answer is
11.90 rounds up to 12, which is the nearest integer.
5.49 rounds down to 5.
7.09 rounds down to 7.
8.5 rounds up to 9.
-2.2 rounds down to -2.
Step-by-step explanation:
3 hours -> $13
1 hour -> $13/3 = $4.33
Step-by-step explanation: Because the absoulute value of 8 is 8 then the absoultue value of 7 is 7. Then add them together it equals 15 :)