All living things are made up of one or more cells.
The cell theory is a universal theory proposed by three scientists viz: Theodor Schwann, Mathias Scleiden, and Rudolf Virchow in the year 1838. These three scientists contributed to the cell theory and proposed the following:
1) All living things are composed of one or more cells
2) Cell is the basic and fundamental unit of life
3) New cells arise from pre-existing cells.
However, at an earlier date specifically 1665, an English scientist named Robert Hooke has discovered and coined the term "cells" in his published book by observing a piece of cork under a microscope. This Hooke's discovery of cells from a once living cork best supports the part of the cell theory that states that: All living things are made up of one or more cells.
The nucleus tells other parts of the cell what to do
The extra X chromosome is received from mother.
Klinefelter's syndrome is the condition of chromosomal aberration where the person has an extra X chromosome. This means the genotype of the person is 44+XXY and the total chromosome number is 47. This condition is achieved due to inappropriate meiotic division and one of the sperm or ovum has the an extra X chromosome.
Here both the parents are normal in terms of colour vision. So the father cannot have the gene of colour blindness because if it was present, then father would have been colour blind because he has only one X chromosome per cell. So its present in mother who is heterozygous in terms of colour blind gene. So the extra X chromosome also came from her which made the presence of two defective X chromosomes in the offspring and made it colour blind.