Well when you are using a computer program you are using a program. If you are programming a computer you are making the computer do a desired task.
When elements are placed on the page so that text and graphic elements are evenly distributed you have: balance.
It is supported by many different experiments.
Scientific theory is based on different experiments and tested in different situations and environment will all aspects. If the experiment finds true then observations will become theory. It can be changed in future if it does not meet the newly proposed conditions. But It does not means that, every theory can be changed.
o_num = input ("Please enter the amount of \"o\": ")
zero_num = input ("Please enter the amount of zeros: ")
i = 0
while i < o_num and i < zero_num:
repeat_o = "Hell" + o_num
repeat_zero = repeat_o + zero_num
print (repeat_zero)
Breaking into other systems sounds like hacking.