in spanish-Los términos embrión y feto se refieren al bebé en desarrollo dentro del útero de la madre. ... Un embrión se denomina feto a partir de la undécima semana de embarazo, que es la novena semana de desarrollo después de la fertilización del óvulo. Un cigoto es un organismo unicelular resultante de un óvulo fertilizado.
in english- The terms embryo and fetus both refer to the developing baby inside the mother's womb (uterus). ... An embryo is termed a fetus beginning in the 11th week of pregnancy, which is the 9th week of development after fertilization of the egg. A zygote is a single-celled organism resulting from a fertilized egg.
The right answer is A patient who is Rh– can receive only Rh– blood.
The blood group is not the only thing that matters, it adds a category: rhesus. Rhesus refers to a red blood cell antigen that is on their wall. There are two blood group systems: Rh positive (Rh +) and Rh negative (Rh-).
Rhesus is positive in people who have this antigen. It concerns the majority of the population. Negative rhesus refers to people without the antigen. This rhesus factor is especially useful to know if a blood transfusion is feasible between two people.
The blood transfusions can be "iso-rhesus", that is to say between Rh + and Rh- but only in one sense: Rh- can give to Rh + but Rh + can not give to Rh-. Again because of the presence of antibodies directed against the antigen in Rh- people.
Answer: hot spots, divergent plate boundaries, and convergent plate boundaries.
The right answer is smelly garbage.
Infestation is the penetration into the body of a parasite whose nature is not microbial.
smelly garbage is not synonymous of infestation, because the olfactory system only detected smelly metabolites of these microorganisms. This does not necessarily mean that the microorganism has managed to penetrate the body.
By cons other proposals are signs and tools for infestation (torn packaging with food leaking out, dead insect bodysuits, feathers, and fur).