Fumigation is a method of pest control that completely fills an area with gaseous pesticides ,or fumigants, to suffocate or poison the pests within
The bloodstream carries glucose a type of sugar produced from the digestion of carbohydrates and other foods-to provide energy to cells throughout the body
Hey bud, this is not a question someone can answer. Try giving us the drop down menu stuff?
Parasitism is an association in which one organism, lives on another, the host, deriving benefit from it and causing harm to it.
The tapeworm here is a parasite and it lives inside the cat's(host) body where the tapeworm is specialized for its mode of life. It survive and reproduces very well without needing another specie because it is a hermaphrodite. It causes loss or poor development of unwanted organs such as the digestive, sense organs and muscles. Its long flattened body also provides a large surface area for absorption of nutrients too.