C. 7 months
Many Doctors now consider 22 weeks the earliest gestational age when a baby is "viable," or able to survive outside the womb. But this is still extremely premature, and a baby born at this age will need a great deal of medical attention. Even if he/she survives, the risk of permanent disability is very high.
Answer: d. macrosystem and culture
Explanation: This system of classifying stress factors into systems is based on a study carried out by Juster, McEwen & Lupien in 2010. It groups some components into four systems.
Culture is one of the components of the macrosystem. The macrosystem is the most complex system out of all the four and consists of race, culture and religion.
Exosystem includes the immediate surroundings and stress factors include conflicts with neighbors or noise.
Mesosystem: is made up of the networks between the microsystem,
Microsystem: is made up of the one-on one relationships we have with other individuals, as well as our involvement with our immediate institutions. It includes our family, peer group and school/work.
They learned to plant crops. What were the most well known structures in Mayan cities?
We don’t use Hammurabi’s code today when it comes our jail/court system.
Oil helped spark the creation of motorized vehicles that ran on gass. Thanks to oil we have had advances in spatial exploration and fast traveling.