A water molecule (H2O) will have a slightly positive side, and a slightly negative side. The oxygen side of water is the one that is negative, while hydrogen side tends to be more positive. When a molecule has a half negative and half positive side like water does, it is called a polar molecule. :D
A trait that is visible is eye color
Carbon is exchanged, or "cycled" among Earth's oceans, atmosphere, ecosystem, and geosphere. All living organisms are built of carbon compounds. It is the fundamental building block of life and an important component of many chemical processes.
El carbono se intercambia o se "cicla" entre los océanos, la atmósfera, el ecosistema y la geosfera de la Tierra. Todos los organismos vivos están construidos con compuestos de carbono. Es el componente fundamental de la vida y un componente importante de muchos procesos químicos.
Preservation of remains (protection against scavenging, erosion and environmental damage) High pressure to promote mineralisation of remains (i.e. turn hard body parts into fossilised rocks) Anoxic (low oxygen) conditions to protect against oxygen damage and prevent decomposition by saprotrophs
Consumers get energy to function by consuming food from other organisms (animals), while producers get their own energy from themselves (plants)