The answer is: They cut down trees for heating & building
Until today, the chinese government hasn't developed a sustainable plan to address the issue that arise from over exploitation of the environment.
Because of this, people and corporations in china often conduct unsafe measures when they cut down trees. They do not have to pay attention to the regeneration of the forest. Because of this, forestland has declined in eastern China.
To start with, I've seen Samantha and Samandhi. And Samadhi Sutta, which interestingly discusses tranquillity and insight ( samatha and vipassana ).
There's another sutta which says that samatha and vipassana are paired qualities - samatha gets rid of passion, vipassana gets rid of delusion ( I'll see if I can find it ). Note that samatha is a quality, not a method.
With most of Europe's peoples still loyal to their local province or city, nationalism was confined to small groups of intellectuals and political radicals. Furthermore, political repression, symbolized by the Carlsbad Decreespublished in Austria in 1819, pushed nationalist agitation underground.
Socrates' statement means that he preferred to die rather than live under the rules and conditions of others, and not be able to investigate.