One of the ways that the government can become a consumer is that in its construction projects, they are dependent on manufactures of cement, gravels, and producer is when it lets the citizens pay for all permits.
The anwer is Insecure/Resistant.
Insecure/Resistant children show distress when taken away from their caregivers. When this occurs, they will likely try to call the caregiver's attention by crying or yelling and, when reunited, they might show resistance. For this reason, this type of attachment is also called ambivalent.
The necessary and proper clause. - Apex
This is known as Economic Duress
Economic duress in contracts is said to occur when a party to a contract threatens to cancel a contract unless the other party involved agrees to their demands. Phillip refusing to go on stage unless he is paid an additional $5000 put Dalynda under economic duress as that was an abrupt decision made by Phillip just at the very minute when his service was needed the most.