Answer: The correct answer is : zero ; the rate of technological progress
Explanation: In the Solow growth model with population growth and technological change, the steady-state growth rate of income per person depends on the rate of technological progress. According to the Solow model, persistently rising living standards can only be explained by technological progress.
Not true, each religion has a different meaning. Each religion supports something, not always the samething.
The final sentence "We bet nobody’s gotten into a fight while waiting for that oyster party" contributes to what Editor Scott Hensley had said about going downtown and waiting in line with a "friend" rather than buy tickets online for the Old Ebbitt Grill's annual Oyster Riot. It had put up to saying that people waiting in line had too much fun to even "start a fight", like how people complain that they don't get refunds from returning tickets online, or when people give a bad review that, who knows, could start something big in the future. Waiting in line make's you interact more with the people or friends around you, having a bigger probability of having fun rather than starting one of those sibling fights. Of course, some people often don't like oyster or seafood, but you can find yourself waiting for oyster on a line tomorrow, lauging with your friend louder than the megaphone they use to call out names for oyster soup. Who knows.
This is from another question, tbh if you just search for your question you are likely to find a response.
Correct answer: "D".
Most jurisdictions/organizations organize their EOCs using the regular ICS organizational structure. The system is habitual to numerous people and it line-up with the on-scene incident organization. Many jurisdictions/organizations utilize the normal ICS organizational structure however changes
determined names to build an <u><em>ICS-like organization</em></u> that differentiate EOC functions from their equivalent department.
hope you like it
For a fossil to form, an organism must be buried quickly so that any oxygen is cut off and its decay slows down or stops. ... Fossils are rarely the original unchanged remains of plants or animals. Fossil formation begins when an organism or part of an organism falls into soft sediment, such as mud.