The body needs protein to build and repair tissues to make hormones, enzymes, body chemicals e.t.c.
The body also uses protein as a building block of blood , bones, skin , muscles, cartilage e.t.c.
It is essential for all living things. Fixation: In order for organisms to use atmospheric nitrogen (N2), it must be “fixed” or converted into ammonia (NH3).
1. Humboldt
2. Mendocino
3. Sonama
4. Butte
5.Santa Clara + Alameda + San Mateo + Santa Cruz (according to thr map I found there were 4)
6. San Luis Obispo + Santa Barbara (2)
7. Orange + San Diego (2)
Answer: The nervous system of human body is responsible for thermoregulation.
Thermoregulation is the process whereby an organism maintain its internal temperature despite changes in External temperature. The nervous system of human body is responsible for thermo regulation. The nervous system consist of nerves cells and fibres which send nerves impulses to the body parts. It comprises of central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. The centsl nervous system consist of brain and spinal cord while the peripheral nervous system consist of nerves. A part of the brain (central nervous system)called hypothalamus controls thermo regulation. When it senses a change in internal temperature of the body, its send signals to the organs, muscles, glands and nervous system , they respond differently so as to restore the body temperature to its normal one.
The ribosome is the location of translation, while transcription always takes place in the nucleus.