From periodic table carbon have six electrons nitrogen has seven electrons while oxygen has eight electrons. it s electronic configuration for carbon is 2.4, for nitrogen is 2.5 while that for oxygen is 2.6. Their dot diagram are as follows
The hypothalamus is a portion of the brain particularly concerned with homeostasis; it influences the action of the medulla oblongata, a lower part of the brain, the autonomic nervous system, and the pituitary gland.
C. development of vascular tissue for bulk flow
C causes central nervous system damage to humans
Answer: Sea walnuts are marine invertebrates. They belong to the genus Mnemiopsis.
These animals have stinging tentacles like jelly fish and they often cast up or come to the sea shores where if they come in contact with humans can harm them by stinging.
The barrier if kept along the side of the sea shore and not allowing humans to reach to the shore can help in preventing the harm from these animals. The introduction of the predatory animals in the sea can also help in reducing their population.
The three benefits for removing the sea walnut:
1. The population of other species will increase as sea walnut is an invasive species.
2. The balance of the marine ecosystem can be maintained.
3. Humans can be protected from the harm caused by these animals.