The main purpose of the file name extension is that in the operating system it basically helpful for knowing the actual name of the file which we want to open in the system. The file name extension is also known as file suffix and file extension.
The file name extension are the character and gathering of the given characters after some time period that making the whole name of the record in the file system.
It basically enables a working framework, such as Windows and mac operating system (OS), figure out which programming on our PC the document is related with the particular file.
We can easily restore our file from hard disk system by two main ways as follows:
- We can easily recover our file from the computer backup.
- Checked your deleted file in the recycle bin and then restore it.
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Organizational culture
Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations. These shared values have a strong influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act, and perform their jobs.