up to 5 hours if you don't open it
Petty and Cacioppo developed the ELM in 1980. This model provided an explanation of various ways in which stimuli is processed, reason behind their use, and their impact on a change in attitude. The model as proposed by Petty and Cacioppo has two main persuasion routes; the peripheral toute and the central route. The central route to change in attitude deals with logical processing.
The difference btween the two is that eustress is possitive stress, like a rollercoaster ride or going in for your first job interveiw. While distress is negative stress in your life. Distress is caused by things like getting injured before an important sports game, or loosing your job and just being negatively stressed about anything. Things that may help are , ,
Bones but the compression wrap should be removed at night and the body part should be kept higher than the heart