Converting mmHg to atm is solved by division.
Example: Convert 745.0 to atm.
Solution- divide the mmHg value by the 760.0 mmHg / atm.
745 mmHg over 760.0 mmHg/atm
atm value is 0.980263
Now, I am a medical student and we have never had to convert a BP (blood pressure) to atm from mmHg, only ever kPA. SO, I am going to take a guess here and say that when you do the work to solve this, you are going to convert the Systolic (upper #) which is the 145. You should get 0.190789 and then convert the Diastolic (lower #) which is 65. You should get 0.08552632.
So your fraction so to speak should read, 0.190789/0.08552632 or 0.190789 over 0.08552632
(Just to note that is way to low of a BP, although it is irrelevant) Best wishes and good luck. "Remember, never just look for the right answer, look for why it is the right answer!"
milk, lemon juice, toothpaste and baking soda
Entropy of a reaction ΔS∘rxn is the degree of disoderliness in a system. Gases generally have a higher degree of disorder compared to liquids. Hence for the reaction 2H2(g)+O2(g) ⟶ 2H2O(l), the entropy decreases sice the reactants are in the gaseous state and the products is in the liquid state of matter
D. Element.
Atoms form elements. Elements form molecules. Molecules form compounds.
Glass 1 Freshwater
The egg went directly to the base of the glass. Consequently it has sunk and did not drift
237 (1 glass)
Glass 2
Water with 2 teaspoons of salt
A similar outcome for glass 2 as container 1 when egg was set into the container it sank to the base.
Glass 3
Water with 3 teaspoons of salt
In reference to glass 1 and 2 the egg sank to the base for a third time.
Glass 4
Water with 4 teaspoons of salt
The egg remained gliding to where a little bit of the egg was standing out on the top, and when pushed down the egg returned up.
Hope this helps!