Can you tag him/her
Some people that deleting our Questions and Answers are called Moderator
a breach in the contract -C.-court of appeals case
साक्षरता भनेको के हो ?
=>साक्षरता भनेको साक्षर हुनु अर्थात पढने र लेख्ने क्षमताबाट संपन्न हुनु। .
आशा द्द मेरो उत्तर ले हजुरलाई मद्दत मिल्ने छ ।
The one that caused serious conflict among various groups of the people in the west is : D. Mining
Back then, finding a land filled with valuable gold and metals is the fastest way to a rich and extravagant lives since back then the one who own the mine is the one who find it. But often time, the greed forced people to hurt each other for the sake of mining location's ownership
hope this helps