Answer: E.coli bacteria reproduce in liquid media containing either glucose or galactose
Hydropower involves blocking rivers, which disrupts ecosystems.
Prolonged use of hydropower can disrupt the ecosystem since it involves the blocking of rivers. This is a long term impact hydropower generation.
- Hydropower is a renewable source of energy in which water is used to generated electricity.
- The water is sourced from large river bodies with a lot of kinetic energy in them.
- Huge volumes of water discharge is needed for this process.
- Therefore, water must be dammed for this purpose.
- Damming of water bodies affects the ecosystem.
Learn more:
Non-renewable energy sources
The answer is B solubility in water
Stan is occupied with taking a supplement containing chromium since it should upgrade his athletic execution because of its connect to glucose digestion and guarantee to expand bulk.
Chromium is a metallic component that people require in little sums. It is a basic piece of metabolic procedures that manage glucose and enables insulin to transport glucose into cells, where it can be utilized for vitality.
Gene expression is a strictly controlled process that allows a cell to respond to changes in its surroundings. It serves as an on/off switch for controlling when proteins are created as well as a volume control for increasing or decreasing the amount of proteins produced.