- Peripheral devices
Peripheral devices are defined as computer devices which are not the element of the essential/basic computer function. These devices can be internal as well as external and are primarily connected to the computer for entering or getting information from the computer. For example, the keyboards or mouse functions to enter data into the computer for processing and receiving information while the output devices like speakers, projectors, printers, etc. are used to get the information out of the computer.
There are two customers in the PostalCode.
SQL statement for select all the fields and the rows from the Customers table where PostalCode is 44000.
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE PostalCode = "44000";
The SELECT statement retrieve zero or more than one row from 1 or more than one the database tables or the database views.
In most of the applications, the SELECT query is most commonly used for DQL(Data Query Language) command.
SQL is the declarative programming language and the SELECT statement specifies the result set, but they do not specifies how to calculate it.
a) Global
The scope of a variable declared outside of any function is Global.
Let us consider an example:
int g;
int add(int a,int b){
return a+b;
int subtract(int a,int b){
return a-b;
Here the variable g is defined outside any function and is accessible anywhere within the program. This is a global variable.
Variables defined within each function - a,b on the other hand have a local scope are are visible only within their respective function bodies.
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