The climate is perfect for agriculture
Georgia has a typically warm climate with vast amount of fertile soils. On top of that , Rainfalls occur fairly often in this region.
The combination of all these factors make Georgia became a very suitable place to grow various types of products with high success rates of harvest. This sector contributed to a lot of Georgia's income and economic development.
A person who feels very good after receiving a compliment, but very bad after being insulted, would sore high on measures of
<u> "self-esteem variability".</u>
The connection of self-esteem variability to identity, state of mind, and conduct was explored. Self-esteem variability was estimated by figuring the standard deviation of self-appraisals made amid seven days of experience-examining. Members high in self-esteem variability were reluctant, socially on edge, and avoidant of social settings. Confidence fluctuation was mostly free of the theoretically comparative attribute of affect-intensity.
I truly think that the beat way we can improve nationality and a better sense of comunity for america is sticking together
Depression ? Is this concerning mental health ?
C. Pathos might be considered unprofessional