<u>This European country is France</u>. The mandate granted by the <u>League of Nations to </u><u>France</u> to exercise the tutelage over <em><u>Lebanon and Syria</u></em> was definitively <u><em>established on July 24, 1922, and put into effect one year later, on September 29, 1923.</em></u> The territory of this mandate was composed of <em><u>five states: Damasco, Aleppo, Alauita, Jabal al-Druze, and Greater Lebanon with Beirut as its capital. </u></em>On <em><u>September 21, 1939, the French High Commissioner suspends the Constitution, dissolves the Chamber of Deputies and appoints a board of directors with Abd Allah Beyhum as Secretary of State for the Government</u></em>, <u>after the Second World War broke out</u>. In <em><u>1943, these territories declared their Independence and after three years of controversial negotiations, in the Security Council of the United Nations and in Paris, which concluded with the agreement of March 23, 1946, </u></em><u>and the final evacuation of French troops on December 31 of the same year.</u>
John Foster Dulles was an international lawyer and US Secretary of State and was known for his strong stance against communism all over the world.
The major factor was false instinct of threat.He concluded there was a threat where there was none. If we had removed the troops immediately at the end of World War I , the so called threat would have disappeared.
The US and Britain formed an alliance and attacked Russia towards the end of World War I .They thought the revolutionary Bolsheviks would be too disorganized to accomplish a successful military regime and Russia could be split between them.
There were issues with facial recognition and expressions. Secondly, there was a need for people to learn how to organize things using visual perception.
No,it is not an instrument