Answer: d) it occurs after
Pancake and waffle mix are not the same. Although they both contain eggs, flour, milk, and a raising agent, waffle batter is normally thicker, contains more sugar, and more fat, like oil or melted butter.
Hopeful this helped
Self esteem is when you are confident in yourself and someone with self esteem keeps their head up and has a positive confident outlook on life.
Answer: 18.46%
((APS*100)/65) = %DV
APS = Amount Per Serving
65 = Total Fat DV
%DV = Percent Total Fat
The % Daily Value (%DV) is the percentage of the Daily Value for each nutrient in a serving of the food. The Daily Values are reference amounts (expressed in grams, milligrams, or micrograms) of nutrients to consume or not to exceed each day.
The %DV shows how much a nutrient in a serving of a food contributes to a total daily diet.
The %DV helps you determine if a serving of food is high or low in a nutrient.
(Not 100% certain.)