How it feels when im alone is boring cause I like to talk to family and friends but when theres no one around I feel lonely
or i feel happy everyones gone so I can watch the tv by myself with no one complaining on what to watch
hoped that helped
Not sure but The Congressional delay in certifying George Washington’s election as president only allowed more time for doubts to fester as he considered the herculean task ahead. He savored his wait as a welcome “reprieve,” he told his former comrade in arms and future Secretary of War Henry Knox, adding that his “movements to the chair of government will be accompanied with feelings not unlike those of a culprit who is going to the place of his execution.
Damages in tort
Damages are remedies that are monetary which are paid to a claimant to compensate for a loss or injury. To get the reward, the claimant must reveal that a foreseeable loss is caused by breach of duty. To be approved at law, the loss must be due to physical or mental injury or damage to property.
Damages are either classified as compensatory or punitive damages. Compensatory damages are also categorized into special damages and general damages. Special damages are property damage, loss of earnings and medical expenses, and general damages damages such as suffering and pain.
The Atlantic ocean is the answer