The body would start to shut down, reactions would become weaker and slower, you would begin to get tireder and you's slowly be dying. If no fod is onsued within 2-3 weeks, then the brain will have no nutrients and will die
in doing so,they can create more idea Conditions for growing crops to feed the planet.
on the flip side...they look to control the prices of commodities (grain) on a global stock market,more so than they already do.
want to lower the price?...flood the market.
want to raise prices? ...control the climate and with hold surpluses
10)La evaporación es el principal proceso mediante el cual, el agua cambia de estado líquido a gaseoso. La evaporación es el proceso por la cual el agua líquida de los océanos ingresa a la atmósfera, en forma de vapor, regresando al ciclo del agua.
ugh i wish I knew it its number 19 for my exam on flvs